Skybus Promotion

(Bayside Trains and Skybus)

Page last modified/checked: Saturday, January 24, 2004
This promotion commenced on the 1st December 2000, and is "to increase the awareness of a new way to travel to the airport. This arrangement will see Skybus selling Metcards from their terminus at the airport, and Bayside Trains Premium stations selling Skybus tickets." Normally, Skybus ticket procedures would be outside the scope of this web site, as Skybus is a privately operated service and not part of the subsidised metropolitan network. However, because the tickets are of such high quality and this is a joint promotion with Bayside Trains, we welcome their inclusion here.

The passenger will receive two tickets; a normal Metcard for travel on a train to Spencer Street, and a Skybus ticket for travel from their main terminal at Spencer Street to the airport, both supplied in a ticket wallet. To account for the Skybus sale, the price of the Skybus ticket is combined with the current Metcard fare. The Metcards involved are the 2-Hour, Daily, Group Get-A-Bout and Family tickets. No concession Skybus tickets are available.

Front of a Skybus one way special ($6.00)

Rear of a Skybus one way special

It appears that a coding system is used on these tickets; note the "AO" before the ticket number 00014 as shown above.
The codes appear to be:
AO = Adult One Way, AR = Adult Return, FA = Family.

The new fares for the Skybus tickets are:
  • Skybus one way (For sale from Premium stations in Zones 1+2 only) - $11.00
  • Skybus return (For sale from Premium stations in Zones 1+2 only) - $19.00
  • Skybus one way special (For sale from Premium stations in Zone 3 only) - $6.00
  • Skybus return special (For sale from Premium stations in Zone 3 only) - $11.00
  • Skybus one way family (For sale from all Premium stations) - $23.00
Of course, the cost of the desired Metcard is then added to this price. Skybus have discounted their fare to patrons travelling from zone 3 only, thus the above reference to the "special" price.
The tickets are available from Bayside Premium stations, "selected Business locations" and the Met shop.


Outside cover

Inside cover