Hillside Trains Camberwell Shopper Ticket

Page last modified/checked: Saturday, January 24, 2004
From the 4th January 2000, Hillside Trains introduced a dedicated shoppers express train between Ringwood and Camberwell. This hourly service stopped at only the three Premium stations between; viz, Mitcham, Blackburn and Box Hill during the middle of the day in both directions. To further encourage use of this service a special $4.50 shoppers ticket was introduced from May 1st 2000 primarily in conjunction with a promotion with the Camberwell Traders Association. These were sold from all Premium stations between Camberwell, Belgrave and Lilydale, but were available only on the shoppers train or any normal services between Ringwood and Camberwell from 10.00am to 4.00pm. A booklet containing vouchers was available from Camberwell station on presentation of the shoppers ticket and offered discounts at a range of retail stores in the popular Burke Road shopping precinct. The shoppers tickets were also sold at Camberwell for use on services as far as Ringwood, but this aspect of the promotion was not publicised. The Camberwell promotion and shoppers ticket ended together on the 31st December 2000, and the special shoppers train disappeared with the April 2001 timetable change.

The ticket was printed on thin glossy paper ticket and measured approx 12.5cm x 5cm.


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Note that the price comparison shown ($7.10) refers to a Zone 1+2 Daily Adult
rather than the Zone 1+2+3 Daily ($9.50) that this ticket loosely corresponded with.

The flyer advertising the Shopper ticket

Click for 38k (readable) image.