5 x Seniors Daily tickets

Last modified/checked: Monday, 27th October 2008 - HTML 4.01 Transitional
Based on the success of the Seniors Daily ticket, a 5 x Seniors Daily ticket was introduced from the 1st April 2008
as as a BOM-issue from Premium stations only.


A Goverment media release issued on the 12th September 2008, mentioned a new 5 x Seniors Daily being available as a pre-encoded issue.
Whilst we do not have the actual date this ticket was first issued, it can be assumed it was around that date.
What is surprising is that these tickets have appeared on "Celebrity Metcard" ticket stock istead of the expected blue "generic" card.

RXO colln

RXO colln
The Rear showing the 216 re-ordering code.

<--2007 Zone Format
5 x Weekend Daily-->