Rail + Two

Page last modified/checked: Friday, 4 October 2002
This ticket was introduced on Sunday 23rd May 1982, as a direct result of the new Labor Governments election promise to provide a fare for journies shorter than the existing Rail+FOUR. This ticket has proven to have a longevity and also a surprisingly wide range of uses than some may be aware of. Below is the VicRail "Wednesday Bulletin" announcing the introduction of this new series of tickets.

Some prior media attention as well as the Bulletin itself spoke of the "advantage to students". Exactly which group of students they might be referring to is not clear, as during the Zone 1-2-3 system, there was no concession issue.




Rail + Two was also available at a family fare ($1.40) although printed issues were never provided, stations instead using blank "Family Excursion" card stock. (For an example, see the rail family section).

At some point after its introduction, the railway marketing branch, the Ministry of Transport (or both?) looked seriously at the inclusion of a rail + two off peak ticket. A quantity of these reached the first stage of printing before the idea was dropped. This example came from the VR Printing Works:


We do have a separate section dealing with the Almex tickets developed specifically for this form of combined travel. However, the Edmondson card rail + two ticket was unique in being adapted to this arrangement and has been included here to help fully explain the story of rail + two during the currency of this system.

Briefly, the Victorian Railways operated themselves or under contract a number of bus services most of which replaced former rail services. These were treated, in effect, as an extension of the rail system. For the purpose of calculating through bus/rail fares, certain bus stops were defined as "stations". (These were also the end of normal fare sections for the bus). There were five locations where rail + two tickets were used in this combined capacity and a set comprising single, return and weekly had to be held. Demand for these would surely have been negligible. Some background information to these arrangements and some samples is given here.

East Camberwell

Until 1989, the Victorian Railways operated bus route 902 from East Camberwell station to Deepdene and East Kew. For most of its length it paralleled the former Outer Circle railway which closed in 1927. The first "station" was Shenley, a stop midway along Avenue Athol. The bus drivers carried three types of paper periodical passes, the yellow issue was for Shenley and was exchanged at East Camberwell as part payment for the remainder of a journey to either Camberwell or Canterbury.

Regretfully, we do not have the yellow paper pass, but it was similar to the other two issues held and shown here.


The Victorian Railways operated bus route 901 from Sandringham ststion to Beaumaris and Southland shopping centre. For most of its length, it substituted an electric tramway operated by the Railway Board until 1956. The first "station" beyond Sandringham was at the intersection of Royal Avenue and Bluff Road - laterly known as "Royal Avenue". The bus divers issued periodical passes and on presentation at Sandringham were part payment for the Royal Avenue issue.


In 1973 the Victorian Railways established but operated under contract bus rote 903 from Broadmeadows station to Coolaroo, serving newer housing estates. The only intermediate "station" was Dallas, at the intersection of Pascoe Vale Road and Girgarre Street. It is not clear what form of authority the bus drivers issued for exchange at Broadmeadows as part payment for the Dallas issue. Note that this example has been incorrectly printed and should read "Dallas - issued at Broadmeadows".


The Lilydale - Healesville railmotor ceased in December 1980 and was replaced by a private bus service. Special large, thin card tickets were developed to alleviate any rebooking process from bus to train at Lilydale. However, after the introduction of rail + two tickets it was felt, rather than expand this range, it was cheaper to adopt the Edmondson rail + two card, as was done elsewhere. Coldstream had been the first stop beyond Lilydale and witht the introduction of the bus, this name was now bestowed upon the bus stop on the Maroondah Highway at the entrance to the housing estate centred on "Nth/Sth Gateway". It is not known what form of exchange the bus drivers issued to obtain the Coldstream issue at Lilydale.


The Franskston - Stony Point rail motor ceased in June 1981 and was replaced by the existing bus route 782 operated by Peninsula Buslines. The first stop beyond Frankston was Leawarra but this was someway off the normal route of the 782 bus. For this reason, an arrangement existed between the Victorian Railways and Frankston Passenger Servcies to honour anybody using their bus route 775 (and possibly 776?) from the Leawarra area to or from Frankston station. The rail + two Leawarra issues were provided specifically for this reason. However, the FPS buses did not operate on Sundays, so the Stony Point bus then had to deviate via Leawarra in adjacent Bloomfield Street. Again, it is not known what form of exchange either bus company issued for presentation at Frankston for the Leawarra issues.