The SmartBus Project

Page last modified/checked: Thursday, 15 August 2002
SmartBus is a demonstration project which has been under development for over two years. Briefly, it involves technology to prioritise buses at certain traffic signals and provide real time passenger information at key stops. There has also been an increased usage of low floor buses. Ultimately it is hoped these steps will improve bus time keeping and encourage increased usage. The two routes involved are cross-regional and are among Melbourne's longest; Route 703 - Ventura, and Route 888/889 - Grendas. They have also had frequencies improved and their hours of operation extended, particularly the Grendas service.

The tickets shown are of thin card and two, co-joined, for the relevant service, were included in the attractive information pack which was letter box dropped along both routes prior to the launch of SmartBus on August 5th 2002.

Front of the Ventura Route 703 pass

Rear of the Ventura Route 703 pass

Front of the Grendas Route 888/889 pass

Rear of the Grendas Route 888/889 pass

Neither the tickets, the information pack or a subsequent full page newspaper ad clarified that these complimentary tickets are, in fact, available for a one way trip on the bus. The passenger is supposed to hand the ticket to the driver on boarding - a curious arrangement !?