Weekday Off-Peak Ticket PromotionBayside Trains and Hillside TrainsPage last modified/checked: Saturday, 23 February 2002The Weekday Off-Peak ticket was the metropolitan component of a wider promotion that offered discount rail travel within the State of Victoria. It was the very first joint ticketing initiative between the newly franchised Hillside Trains and Bayside Trains private operators. There was, however, no trace of these names on either the tickets, nor the booklet outlining their offer - the booklet being comprised mostly of discount coupons and details of other related offers. The weekday off-peak ticket was on sale from Premium stations or the Met Shop at a rate lower than the existing full fare or concession off peak tickets. It also varied in being available from stations in Zone 1; where there is no equivalent off peak fare. Their attractiveness was further enhanced by allowing the customer to arrive in the city at or after 9.30am, whereas the existing off peak tickets are only valid to depart ones station at or later than this time. However, in line with their Metcard counterparts, they were not available to depart the city between 4.00 and 6.00pm. The promotion ran from Monday 13th September to Friday 3rd December 1999 inclusive. They were printed on a thin white card and measured approx 8.7cm by 5.7cm
Weekday off-peak booklet