Daily 5 Pack designEarliest known issue: 8th January 2004Page last modified/checked: Sunday, 18 June, 2006Effective with the fare rise on 1st January 2004, all daily tickets are now also offered in booklets containing 5 pre-encoded tear-out tickets at a price discounted to that of purchasing individual tickets. This marketing technique, to encourage pre-purchase, has not been used since the 1990 scratch ticket era. The booklets are sold from retail outlets, the Met shop and the Metcard help line, although stocks were not received by the former two until the second week of January 2004.
The front of the booklet
Showing the serated left hand edge
The rear of the booklet showing the barcode and the "187" ordering number The tickets from this particlar booklet were J-f2, J-f1, J-f3, J-f2 and J-f1 in that order (ie no J-f4), and the ticket numbers ran sequentially backwards from 08114915 to 08114911.
TMA issuesSince mid-June 2004, a TMA version of the Daily 5-pack has been on issue: