Pre-encoded AFL Series

Page last modified/checked: Saturday, 23 February 2002
These are the first Metcards since the Melbourne Events series for which there was any extensive publicity prior to their release. This began in mid-February, and involved the Victorian-based football clubs, Triple M radio station, and the Victrip website. The series was officially launched on the afternoon of 29th March 2001, with the home and away season commencing the following night at the M.C.G. Only the ten Victorian-based clubs are represented in this series.
The full set of Metcards needed for each team is spread over three sealed packs, with four Metcards in each pack. The top Metcard in each pack shows the club logo and is the only card common to, and visible within each pack so that sellers can identify which team they are handling. The ONLY WAY to discern the contents of each pack is to note the designator on that club logo card, ie: - M A1, M B1 or M C1 (then click below on the team of your choice to see what is actually in any pack!). Unfortunately, the North Melbourne "Kangaroos" do not have a designator shown on the club logo card in any of their packs, so there is no immediate way to identify whether a pack is M A, M B, or M C. A Crown Casino Restaurant redemption card is included in each pack and this effectively covers the bottom Metcard of each strip. Thus there are a total of twelve Metcards for any one team (but only ten different designs due to the club logo being repeated on three cards) featuring mostly star players or club highlights/scenes.
These packs are only available from Premium stations, the Met Shop, selected 7-11 shops and the football club merchandise outlets. The latter option is probably the best if you only want to obtain your favourite teams series. A 10% discount applies on production of a club membership card, but only at the Met Shop or club merchandise outlet. The sets are only available as Full Fare or Concession dailies for Zone 1, Zones 1+2, or Zones 1+2+3.
It can be reasonably expected that few discarded used examples will ever be found of this series. The purchaser must specifically ask for one of the packs and if actually used, would be inclined to keep their investment as it reflects their support for that team. For collectors of football or sporting memorabilia, these tickets would make an unusual inclusion; clearly this is the market where they are aimed. For those dedicated to collecting the ongoing Metcard designs, the sheer number of tickets required to complete the full set for all teams (720 tickets) is financially overwhelming ($4,212.00). These figures represent 12 designs per team (=120 tickets) by the 6 different fare types (=720 tickets).

By mid-October 2001, these series of tickets had disappeared (been withdrawn?) from sale.