Rail only
Page created Thursday 5th March, 2009 - HTML 4.01 Transitional
Last modified/checked: Friday, 26th April 2019

Booking Offices used Rail only card for all Adult and Half Fare Single or Return journeys and for Child Minifare tickets.
The same fare types were issued on this card from Ticket Vending machines, but only to stations wholly within the E.S.R.
The codes for these three fares were "SGL", "RTN" and "MIN" ("O-P" replaced "MIN" from the 28th Jume 1987).
There were three designs of this card, in a multitude of shades of red.

Courtesy Kerry Dunn
Courtesy Kerry Dunn

This is the earliest known ESR card of any description.
The printing on the rear was oriented so that the magnetic stripe appeared at the "bottom" of the ticket.
Subsequent printings placed the magnetic stripe at the "top" of the ticket.


Known ID's:

UT779,    UT1179,    UT 8/80,    blank,    A2,    A3,    A6,    A8,    A10

The general issue souvenir tickets used an identical back with an ID of UT679.

A totally new front design was introduced with the UT 10/80 printing. and first seen during early November 1980.
The wording on the rear was amended at the second point where "DO NOT BEND....." was altered from
"this Ticket" to "the Ticket" and at the fifth point from "Commission" to "Authority".


Known ID's:

UT 10/80,   UT 2/81,   UT 4/81,   UT 6/81,   UT 2/82.

The third back design expanded the wording at the fifth point to include the Transport Authorities Act 1980.


Known ID's:

UT 6/82,   UT 7/82,   UT 10/82,   UT 1/83,   Blank.

The fourth back design introduced a new point one reminding passengers to use the automatic turnstiles.


Known ID's:

UT 9/83,   UT 10/83,   UT 1/84,   UT 10/84,   U 485 R,   U 1085 R,   L 1086 U,   R 1086 U,   R 1186 U,   L 86,   4/87,   U/T R 4/87,  
U/T L 6/87,   U/T R 6/87,   U/T L 7/87,   U/T R 7/87,   U/T L 10/87,   U/T L 12/87,   U/T R 3/88,   U/T R 7/88,   U/T L 11/88,  
U/T L 10/90,   U/T R 5/91,   U/T L 9/91,   UT1,   U1R,   blank.

The final known print with an ID of U/T R 4/92 is shown below. There are two distinctly different front designs of this card, with one conforming to the previous style, whilst the other with the angled edges on the arrow more rounded and "only" with a capital "O". On the back, the RETurn and MINifare point is on one line, as shown on the lower back design.

Most important is the fact that this ticket was produced without a magnetic stripe on the back.
This was probably due to the impending introduction of the Automatic Fare Collection system; the electronic barriers on the ESR
having fallen into disuse by this time. The booking office and ticket issuing machines however, still required an ongoing supply of ESR card.



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