Off Peak Travelcards

Page last modified/checked: Friday, 20 May, 2005

NOTE: To avoid duplication we have shown only the rear of these tickets on this page.
The fronts are shown within the individual neighbourhood reviews.

Under the neighbourhood fare structure, off peak travel arrangements were very much reduced so that they now focussed purely on travel to the CBD. The 6 adjoining and 3 outer neighbourhoods all had an off peak rail fare to the city, but there was no off peak fare within the inner neighbourhood. A new "City Saver Area" was created which covered the city grid and a surrounding fringe area that included some hospitals and other institutions. This area was clearly identified on transport maps in blue. Off peak tickets were available for unlimited travel between city loop stations and on trams and buses within the city saver area. The rail journey to and from the city could not be broken. Off peak travelcards were not sold on weekends or public holidays. As customers were often confused over the use of off peak tickets, they were renamed in 1984. This change is detailed in its own section later.