Coming to an arrangement

1969 - 1981

The Initial Multi-Modal Tickets

Page last modified/checked: Saturday, 21 May, 2005
The origins of multi-modal ticketing in Melbourne are difficult to define as having really started at any single point. The use of only the one ticket to allow transfer between at least two modes of transport had existed on a single, return or multiple trip basis from as early as the 1880's. These tickets were tailor made to suit a specific situation by allowing travel on what were often termed "co-ordinated" services. In some cases, one mode was reliant chiefly on the other for patronage.

Some examples of this arrangement were:
The Brighton Electric tramway which linked with the St.Kilda railway station. The Victorian Railways operated the tram service , so feasibly could create any through ticketing arrangement with the trains they wished - history shows they did!
Another example was the privately operated bus from Whittlesea to Regent railway station where only a combined weekly ticket was available to continue in to Melbourne by train. Here, the ticket was offered as a convenience to patrons who has been displaced by the withdrawal of the Whittlesea train service.

There were many other examples over time, all purposely developed and generally for inter-connecting services which often had some historical or operational connection. The Victorian Railways always featured in these arrangements and were either obliged to offer them or perhaps stood to gain some additional revenue out of the idea. It would be very interesting to know of any through ticketing that may have existed between the M&MTB trams and a private bus operator.

In order to start somewhere, this section will focus firstly on a range of rail-bus weekly tickets that broke away from the more traditional reasons for offering a through ticketing arrangement. They still, however, were termed "co-ordinated" tickets and mostly adhered to their established pattern of use. It is appreciated that not everyone will necessarily agree with the pinning down and interpretation of their differences to other similar tickets.





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