Page last modified/checked: Tuesday, 30 November, 2004

Much other background information on the neighbourhood fare system will be found in the previous section of this website detailing the former zonal system. Political occurences and several important ticketing trials also took place during that period. We encourage reference to the sections titiled "Formation of the M.T.A." and the "Trial Sandringham, Moorabbin, Caulfield Neighbourhood System". Some further details are given here to help reiterate and tie that period in to the actual launch of the neighbourhood fare system.


Labor had 27 years of ammunition to use against the Liberals' neglect of public transport, particularly the States rail services. It is widely believed they won the 1982 State election through their promises to fix this ailing situation. Transport Minister Steve Crabb decreed the metropolitan ticket system would be rid of "anomolies" and frequently used the slogan "value for money" to justify change. These anomolies were probably more of a reference to the pricing structures rather than the physical zone system itself. For as long as tram, train and bus services each retained their own separate fare scales, it would be difficult for Labor to promote their idea that one system equals one ticket.



Portions of original Labor party campaign material outling their intentions.


The results of the two trial ticketing projects in Geelong and Melbourne's South were encouraging. The common element to both was a time based ticket, and in Geelong, this had been quite simple as the trial involved only the cities bus services. In Melbourne, it was more complex, and dedicated ticket types were devised for issue by each mode using existing arrangements. This was cumbersome and not practicable for a full scale system.


From the Geelong trial came a standard format paper based ticket, torn from a pad and punch validated. This was the way to go.
It is presumed this 1986 example is similar to the trial tickets, but if you can provide images of original GTS tickets and publicity material, please email us at (robx-at-optushome-dot-com-dot-au).

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