Metcard - The Bacchus Marsh Local Town Service

Page last modified/checked: Thursday, 3rd April 2003
Here, we take a quick look at the ticketing on the town bus service mainly because it has similarities to the Melbourne metropolitan fare structure.
Of course, there is absolutely NO connection between the two.

Drivers carry a small series of paper zonal tickets, available for travel in either zone 1 (red) or both zone 1 and 2 (blue). Day tickets are time based although the actual ticket design does not reflect this, but is identified in the dating procedure. The weekly ticket is hand punched on the forward and return journies.

The "conditions of use" are identical on the rear of all ticket types. The bus service is operated on behalf of V/Line (Mon to Fri) and is timetabled to connect with their Melbourne rail services at Bacchus Marsh station. There are two slightly different "peak" and "off peak" circuits serving the greater town area. Regardless of the direction of travel, patrons in zone 2 must always enter zone 1 to reach the station or town centre. A colourful timetable and map brochure is available but this does not actually explain the ticketing procedures.