Pensioner Excursion Ticket

Page created Saturday, 16th May, 2009 - HTML 4.01 Transitional
Last modified/checked: Friday, 16th July, 2010

From May 2008, this design of Pensioner Excursion Ticket went on sale from off-system outlets.
Prefixes between "AI" and "AL" known.
Earliest known date of issue: 22nd May 2008.


A series of the first design but with a prefix "QD" is also known.


By June 2009, a modified design spelling out the availability in full was on issue.
Prefixes between "BA" and "BW" known.
Earliest known date of issue: June 2009.


By June 2010, the right hand edge of the right hand arrow had gained a purple border.
Prefix "SD" seen.
Earliest known date of issue: May/June 2010 ?


By May 2010, a modified design with a barcode was on issue.
Prefixes appear to range from "CA" to "DS".
Earliest known date of issue: May 2010.


General Issue Pre-Encoded tickets home page