mybus TravelTen tickets from Transit Shops

Page created Saturday, 10th July, 2010 - HTML 4.01 Transitional
Last modified/checked: Wednesday, 6th October, 2010

Transit shop TravelTen issues are immediately recognizable because they do not have a barcode. As these tickets are encoded at
the time of issue for any of the three section based charging zones, they do not show the numerals 1, 2 or 3 on the front.
Previously the TravelTen series tickets issued from Transit shops were not provided on a dedicated card because they were
only valid on Government bus services where they were read by the validator on board the bus. Now that TravelTens are also
valid on private buses which do not have validators, two dedicated blank issues (Adult and Concession) are provided with
numerals along the base of the ticket for hand validating when presented for travel to drivers on private buses.

Interestingly, both types commence at serial "AA", and were available from the 18th April 2010.


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