Thermal on-board mybus cash Singles

Page created Saturday, 23rd October, 2010 - HTML 4.01 Transitional
Last modified/checked: Saturday, 23rd October, 2010

Shown here are examples of thermal paper mybus cash fare single tickets issued on Sydney Buses (left) and the private Punchbowl Bus Company (right).

Two further uses of thermal paper are shown below. At left is a Drivers issued receipt for the presentation of a myzone ticket. This could have been a mymulti, daypass or Pensioner Excursion ticket. Either way it was a concession issue, Pensioner Excursion tickets are automatically treated as a concession fare issue. This receipt acts as check ticket for two purposes: to show that a ticket presented for use on that bus but purchased elsewhere was shown to the Driver. The record of this receipt having been issued is also used as part of the process for reimbursement from the State Government to this particular private bus company participating in the myzone fare system.
At right is a Veolia Bus Drivers count of the number of Pensioner Excursion Tickets (PET) issued during his shift.

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