Page created Friday, 8th May, 2009 - HTML 4.01 Transitional
Last modified/checked: Monday, 27th September, 2010
Central - Chalmers Street was equipped with four BOM's, six large TVM's and two small TVM's from around .........
BOM's 1604, 1715, 1792 and 1834
Large TVM's 2016, 2061, 2184, 2246, 2315 and 2317
Small TVM's 2883 and 2887
PAM 1201 was in use from around .........
ATOM 1935 was in use from around .........
ATOM 1979 was in use from around .........
ATOM 1697 was in use between the 4th June 2000 and the 29th July 2000, between the 10th and 16th December 2006,
between the 18th and 14th April 2007 and between the 29th July and 4th August 2007
It appears that large TVM 2061 was incorrectly encoded to print as machine number 2400 for a day or two.
Large TVM 2409 was in use from around the 10th June 2007 (additional machine, ex Green Square)
Small TVM 2804 was in use from around the 30th March 2008 (additional machine, ex Bulli).
ATOM 1998 (additional machine) was in use between the 16th March and 14th June 2008.
Large TVM 2315 (additional machine ex Merrylands) was in use from around the 12th April 2009.