1999 Two Arrows design

Page created Tuesday, 3rd July, 2007 - HTML 4.01 Transitional
Last modified/checked: Saturday, 10th July, 2010

With the introduction of the AES Prodata AFC system in June 1999, came a new series of tickets.
The two arrows design has had at least five variations as shown below.
This design does not appear to be reported or illustrated in TN.

The first series probably started at AA 00000. The individual ticket serial number was shown towards the left hand edge.


By the time the "BQ" prefix had been reached, the serial number had been moved to the mid lower right.
The "CR" prefix is the highest seen of this style. The prefixes now appear to jump to "ZA".


Following the introduction of the GST from 1st July 2000, the tickets were altered to show "GST INCL".
This series probably commenced at ZA 00000., However "ZC' is the lowest prefix seen to date.


The next design, which was in use by the "BC" prefix, has the bow waves spreading from the "Enter ticket this way" arrow
stopping short of the magnetic stripe.


The final design has a larger serial number. This had commenced by at least "BS" prefix.


These were the last general purpose design BOM and TVM tickets issued by State Transit/Sydney Ferries.
From 1st July 2004, Sydney Ferries became a state owned company known as "Sydney Ferries Corporation".
It is of interest to note that the new SFC design started at prefix "HB", following from the "HA" as shown above.

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