1989 Original designPage created Tuesday, 3rd July, 2007 - HTML 4.01 TransitionalLast modified/checked: Sunday, 3rd May, 2009 Whilst the original ferry AFC system was planned under the administration of the Urban Transit Authority, its implementation occurred under the newly formed State Transit Authority. It appears that the initial ticket stock had already been printed with the logo and heading "URBAN TRANSIT". This stock was probably in use until exhausted. The issued tickets featured a large amount of printing in a number of print sizes. The long 15 digit number at the upper right probably contained the machine and ticket number - the last 6 digits were the date of issue. When viewed from the rear, the registration hole was towards the top left hand corner and the magnetic strip was located between the registration hole and the top edge. |
featured an advertisement for Manly Underwater World on the rear. Note that the magnetic strip is across the bottom of the ticket which means the advertisement appears to have been printed upside down. The long 15 digit number had grown to 19 digits - the additional four digits being the time of issue. By December 1990, tickets with a blank back were in use. |
The FerryTen and Jet Lunch show the minimal printing which became the norm by October 1991. The huge 19 digit number had been shrunk to 7 digits which appear to be machine number and time of issue. |
An Outer Harbour Service (OHS) ferry ten (10). The ticket could be scanned by the booth attendant to check how many trips remained. |
Zoopass |
Pensioner Excursion It is not known if the red ink had a special meaning |
Jet Lunch |
An adult single as described above with only the "S" printed thereon has not been seen. |