2000 - Orange Fern design

AN to FN prefix

Page created Saturday, 17th November, 2007 - HTML 4.01 Transitional.
Last modified/checked: Saturday, 7th November, 2009

There were two different print runs of the design shown below, both with advertising on the backs.


The 1-00 series featured 6 different "Kelloggs K-Time Twists" advertisements on the rear:
AN-1-00, BN-1-00, CN-1-00, DN-1-00, EN-1-00, FN-1-00.

The 4-00 series featured 7 different CityRail advertisements on the rear:
AN-4-00, BN-4-00, CN-4-00, DN-4-00, EN-4-00, FN-4-00.

<--1994 Blue design
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Orange Fern, LL series-->