Tram and Bus Issued Travelcard

Page last modified/checked: Friday, 4 October 2002
Larger, thin card tickets were provided for issue on board trams and buses, and were hand punched to indicate the date of travel.

These tickets did include the conditions of availabilty on the rear and many had inconsistencies with their wording.

Some things to note on the rear of these issues:
  • Lack of reference to buses on the zone 3 issue
  • The zone 1-2-3 issue gives the distinct impression that its bus availability was restricted to MMTB services
  • An explanation for the wording regarding MMTB buses on the rear of the Zone 2-3 issue;
    Doncaster is divided by zones 1 and 2. The wording explained the bus route that followed the course of this boundary. If the ticket had simply been worded "available on all trains and buses in Zones 2 and 3", there would have been no need for any of this wording.

TravelCard CENTRAL

The main reason for providing this ticket was to allow unlimited daily travel on trams within the city area, and a fringe beyond, at a fare cheaper than a zone 1 Travelcard. Consequently, it was only ever provided as a large card ticket - there was never an Edmondson card equivalent held at stations. The ticket was also available between city stations and one station beyond, on each line. All stations within the zone system received books of this ticket as a convenience to customers. It was the only non-Edmondson zonal ticket held at stations.

We believe that the green ink came into use to distinguish daily Travelcards for 1983 and prevent the re-use of those from 1982. Further, the fare was omitted and the concession issues in particular went through a noticeable change of format.