Off Peak Ticket

Page last modified/checked: Sunday, 10th August, 2008

The last ticket to be introduced during the currency of the neighbourhood fare structure was the off peak ticket from Saturday 1st April 1989. This ticket was the metropolitan component of a wider campaign offering reduced rate tickets for services throughout Victoria. The off peak ticket was originally to be trialled over a three month period, but it remained on sale until the neighbourhood system was abolished from 27th August 1989. It is understood that this ticket was devised based on the success of the 60 plus ticket which had been introduced for Senior Citizens in January 1989.

Off peak tickets were printed on a slightly thicker grade of paper than neighbourhood tickets and supplied in pads of 50. It allowed unlimited travel on all M.T.A services from 7pm to finish of services Monday to Saturday and all day on Sunday, at a flat fare of $1.20 for adults, children and concession card holders. It was to be issued automatically when a fare equal to or greater was requested and as such meant that all day and family travelcards were not to be sold on Sundays.

It is known that a small quantity of stock was supplied with the word "weekdays" on the rear, between "after 7pm" and "and all day Sunday". It would not be untrue to suggest that most patrons ended up with an off peak ticket more by default than having specifically asked for one. The M.T.A would have lost more revenue this way than they could ever have hoped to gain through genuine increased patronage as a result of the off peak. The Herald Sun and The Age newspapers carried articles on the discounted metropolitan and country fare schemes on the 7th and 8th March respectively. In addition, a small single sided flyer was provided to explain the off peak.