Full Fare Yearly tickets

Last modified/checked: Sunday, 28th March, 2010
Metcard type full fare yearlies went on sale at the beginning of 2000. For the first 3 years these tickets were supplied on "Triplex" card which was allegedly longer lasting and more durable than standard metcards. However, even this material was found to be unsuitable due to constant handling and revalidating through barrier gates and validators. Initially, full fare yearly tickets were provided as both a dedicated station (BOM) issue or as a pre-encoded issue at the Met Shop and through the Commuter Club (direct debit scheme through employers). The station and Met shop tickets are running issues which can be purchased on the spot after an application form has been filled out. All triplex yearlies were supplied by Moores until phased out from 2003 by plastic based cards supplied by Magnadata.

Station Issue (BOM) Full Fare Yearly

Designators M A1 to M A4 and M B1 to M B4 are known

Pre-encoded Full Fare Yearly

Designators M A1 to M A4 and M B1 to M B4 are known

2002 design

This pink design reflected the metcard rebranding launched in February 2001 and was supplied as the original blue card was sold out.


2003 Magnadata plastic based card

The plastic yearlies were phased in as the Triplex stock was exhausted. Magnadata have also supplied the plastic based student passes from 2003.
Note that the background design on these first plastic cards uses an outline rather than a solid colour to represent the discs.

No scan of station (BOM) issue available

2004 to current metlink design

Following the metlink launch in October 2003, the "metlink" name appeared on all metcards. This was gradually reflected on full fare yearlies as new stock was produced. A single base card has been used since this time suitable for either station (BOM) issue or pre-encoded tickets.
